Thursday, January 2, 2014

No Business Like Snow Business: Addendum

So…for all my complaining today about the snow, I do have to recant.

A bit.

Ok, maybe a lot.

And confess some things.

So, remember how I mentioned that I, just this very morning, prayed that I would accomplish that which God wanted me to accomplish and to let everything else fall away?

Well, I also prayed that we would be blessed and be a blessing to others.

I couldn’t see how that was going to happen since we weren’t leaving the house…you know, because I must know more than God.

Sorry, God.

But…because of all the snow, we needed to shovel. Thankfully Mr. Always Random had shoveled this morning before he left for work…blessing right there, right?

But it had snowed an additional 2 to 2.5 inches after the fact.

Ergo…it needed shoveled again.

I told the PBA that they could play outside for a while AFTER we finished taking care of the driveway.

Little did I know that while I was still getting changed, the 10yo was outside working away at half of the driveway; in fact, he was about two-thirds of the way through his side by the time his brother and I made it out of the house.

That was another blessing right there.

Since they were so expeditious (man, I love that word, don’t you?) in their shoveling of our driveway, I told the boys that we were going to shovel the neighbor’s driveway as well. They are a little bit older and outside work seems to be getting more difficult for them.

Plus, they are out of town and who wants to come home from a trip to a driveway full of snow?

Not this gal, that’s fur sure (yes, I meant to spell “for” that way…so you’d say it with the accent I wanted you to).

And mostly, it was just a nice thing to do, right?

And wow…sometimes I am blown away by how much God has blessed me. The PBA, without comment, reluctance or hesitation, commenced shoveling the neighbor’s driveway.

With nary a complaint.

And their driveway is bigger than ours.

More blessings for me, and a blessing for the neighbors.

THEN…I went inside and realized that I’d been working hard shoveling snow for a good hour. So I got my “missed” workout I got without stepping foot in the gym (remember how peeved I was about not going to the gym? God is so good to me).

And, because I know you were wondering, we were able to keep our plans for the evening (more on that later…I’m sure you’ll be sitting with baited breath…which sounds disgusting and I really hope it doesn’t mean you’ve eaten a bunch of earthworms. Or if you did, you brushed your teeth.)

Here’s your takeaway: God listens to our prayers, God answers our prayers…maybe not like we thought he would, and (this is big) in spite of our petulant little childish fits.

So…that’s all I have to say about all that.

1 comment:

  1. Bah. "Petulant little childish fits" <---been throwing a lot of those this year. Sadly, even when I'm aware, I have a hard time stopping. He is so patient with me...and for that I am so thankful!
