All day long, I’ve been hearing moaning, lamenting, a bit of
whining, and some whimpering about a sore throat. And lots and lots of “suck
the mucus back up into the nose” sounds…all coming from my 11yo. Lovely…and not
at all what I want to hear a week before Christmas.
I want to hear Christmas Music…my favorites only, please…and maybe some others.
NOT the ones I hate.
Yes, I of course feel
badly for my child…no one wants their child to be sick. But mostly I don’t want
to hear these sounds because he’s the first one to get it, which means it’s only
a matter of time before the rest of us might be down for the count.
I can’t be down for the count. I don’t have time for such
silliness. But the others might. Grrrr. I don’t have time for that silliness
either. There is a reason God did not make me a nurse.
Anyway, I felt so terrible for him this morning that I even
let him wear sweats all day. That’s a big deal, I’ll tell you what. We don’t
typically do that here at the PBA; I don’t rightly know why except we just don’t.
I mean, I love to wear my jammies all day (IF I’m not going anywhere…some
people wear them wherever they go, but I haven’t succumbed to that temptation
yet. OK, it’s not really a temptation but still. I have not done it, just for
the record. The closest I have come to that is wearing them out to get the
newspaper or the mail. And for me that is crossing the line a little bit.
But wearing sweats all day seems to say, “Yeah, I’ve put on
a few pounds but these frumpy, shapeless clothes I’m wearing hide it pretty
well, don’t you think? No one will be the wiser.”
Jammies, however, just say “Yeah, I am beat down and tired and
I don’t want to leave my house again until tomorrow. MAYBE I’ll leave tomorrow.”
See…totally different messages. You can see why I stick to
these hard and fast rules. I run a tight ship, for sure.
However, much to his chagrin, I wasn’t so light on the
workload and the expectations. “You can be a little more comfortable but you
still have work to do.” I want to get my “Meanest Mom of the Year” award…I’m in
the running again this year!
We did most of our work first thing this morning, and then
headed to the gym. While we were there, I didn’t make him run the laps and
sprints he usually has to do. No, I’m not a big meanie – I just want him to stay
some semblance of in shape for soccer in the spring. I have gone into a soccer
season not in shape like I should have been and believe you me…it’s not as fun
as it sounds. I am trying to keep him from that if at all possible.
Anyway, he didn’t have to run, but he did have to keep
moving. He and his brother played some basketball and practiced their shots. Not
any laborious cardio work for sure, but still…he was moving. I was trying to be
somewhat lenient without letting him see that I was being a little soft.
When we left the gym, he looked completely exhausted, but it
was only mid-morning. I ignored my guilt about pushing him and we kept on
moving. On to the pediatrician to have my 9yo’s thumb looked at. That child is
a picker. And apparently had been picking at a hang-nail. Long-story short, he
showed my mom his nasty, pus-filled thumb on Friday night so we’ve been trying
to manage it ever since…soaking with Epsom salt, keeping antibiotic ointment on
it, poked a hole in it to try to drain it.
By this morning, the thumb was yup…still oozey; it was
draining out the hole I had poked in it, as well as all along the side of the
nail. So gross. Again, let me remind my audience: There is a reason God did not
make me a nurse.
But fortunately I got through to the pediatrician’s office
on the second try, and finagled an appointment for late morning. So after
finishing some work, we went to the gym and then on to the pediatrician. He
took one look at my son’s thumb and he said, “Dude, you’ve got an infection. I
think that’s going to need some antibiotics.”
Yup, it was as I suspected. I’m no Dr. Quinn Medicine Woman
but I know an infected finger when I see it. But at least we got in and got it
taken care of. I’m so thankful to live in a country where I can still get quality
medical care easily for my children. Not that this was a traumatic issue by any
means, but could have been if not treated in a somewhat timely manner. I would
hate to amputate it because of a hangnail. But I digress. I had a “sick” child
I was also dealing with, and was telling you about. I’m certain you’re in rapt
attention now.
So after the doctor’s office, we dropped off the script (no
time to wait!) at CVS (not my favorite CVS but it’s one that will do in a pinch…I
don’t know what it says about me that I have a FAVORITE CVS when they are a
dime a dozen around here. But I do…so there.) and went to grab a quick lunch at
home before heading off to our homeschool co-op.
My 11yo’s class didn’t meet today (some classes did and some
did not), but the 9yo’s did. The 11yo reluctantly went and worked the study
hall with me (we had ZERO kiddos in there for the last hour…that was so fun!).
All I heard for the two hours we were there were moans and complaints about a
sore throat. I gave him an ibuprofen and told him to put his head down to take
a little nap. All together now: There is a reason God did not make me a nurse. Giving
sympathy to the sick…not really my thing. Don’t judge.
The whole thing came to a head (at least in my mind it did)
when he asked if he had drum lesson today because of his throat. I kind of gave
him a sideways glance and paused a moment before I answered. “You think you
shouldn’t have drum lesson because your throat hurts?”
“Well…” I suspect hearing the ridiculousness of it helped
him process it better.
“Yes, I think you can make it through a 30 minute lesson.”
“Oh, ok…”
Sorry dude, I’m not canceling your lesson because your
throat hurts. I mean, I’m SORRY that your throat hurts but I am not going to
cancel your lesson. I think you can muddle through. So then lesson was where we
went after co-op.
And then after lessons, we went back to CVS to pick up the
script for the 9yo. I’m slightly out of sequence here…we’d actually gone BEFORE
the lesson because I had specified a 2 o’clock pick-up but by 2:45, they hadn’t
gotten to it. There are apparently many people out there in need of a script.
And they were all waiting at the CVS pharmacy to pick them up.
So when we went back AFTER lesson, the script was ready but
I went through the drive-through. Sure, it used more gas, but it’s either use
more gas or exponentially increase the chances of someone in the family
bringing home a bug that someone has been so kind to share. I’ll keep to the
bubble of my car for as long as I can, thank you very much.
By this point, the 11yo seemed completely miserable and was
slowly melting into the back seat. And I was beginning to feel a tinge of guilt
creeping up for pushing him through the day. What kind of mother was I? Here he
was, really not feeling well and because of the “To-Do” list I thought I had to
complete, I had pushed him to exhaustion.
So…I had a couple errands yet to run but I decided to scrap
that for the day. No need to push him any further…tomorrow was another day and
we would try it again.
We got home and unloaded the car…yes, unloaded. There were
bags from the gym, and from co-op (one for each of us), a gift for my 9yo from
co-op, a CVS bag (you know…the afore-mentioned script), the bag with the leftover
cookies from the Christmas party at co-op, and drums sticks and music, and a
guitar. And yes, the PBA assisted with the unload. Such good boys.
After the unload, the PBA knew they still had a few things
to do before they could play…as previously noted, the morning had been a bit of
a jumble, what with the doctor appointment and all. Plus the late start…the
11yo had trouble getting up this morning. He had a sore throat – did you know
about that? Sorry if you missed that memo.
But by the time we got things unloaded this afternoon, and
got bags packed for tomorrow and lunches made (yes…another week of pre-made lunches. Can you
tell it’s getting close to Christmas?!?), we sat down at about 5 to read our
history chapter. This is much later than I prefer but it was what it was…and
there are some things I choose not to scrap and attempt on another day. I
figured this he could handle…sit and listen to me read.
So we sat down and worked our way through the chapter. When we got to the end and I told my 11yo to
hit the shower (yes, it was 5:30 but it was cold and rainy and we were not
going anywhere…I already had my jammies on), he looked at me with all the
sincerity in the world and said, “I feel a lot better…all that really hurts is
my throat.” And away he bounded to take his shower.
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