Monday, December 17, 2012

Monday Listicles: Ten CHRISTMAS Songs

I typically begin listening to Christmas music sometime in mid- to late-November…whenever it is that my car’s satellite radio starts playing it on the 40’s station…yes, that’s right I said it: the 40’s station. How can you not love it? You know there won’t be any course or vulgar language, it’s always got a catchy tune with words you can easily catch on to…sure it may be WWII propaganda but that’s nothing compared to so much of what’s on the radio these days.

Anyway…I had no idea until a few years ago truly how many Christmas songs there are out there…and how many versions.  As a child, I only remember having two Christmas albums…yeah, I said albums: Andy Williams and Johnny Mathis. If those don’t scream 1970’s, I’m really not sure what does.

But our family is loyal if nothing else…once cassette tapes came into vogue, I recall that my dad took those two albums and recorded them onto tapes so we could continue to listen, without having to be so archaic as to use a record player.

I don’t remember ever owning any other Christmas music until Mannheim Steamroller became popular in the late 1980’s. And that was cutting edge stuff, to be sure.
Oh, and when I was either in high school or college, my mom bought the Time/Life Series of CDs “Home for the Holidays” I believe is what it was called…that was exciting too. The very first song on the CD is “Sleigh Ride”.

And not that I ever saw it myself (because that would be weird…she is my mother), I can picture her (in black and white of course because they apparently didn’t have color back then…and yes, by this I mean I picture HER in black and white, not just the television…sorry, Mom) sitting in front of the television watching other children go sit on Santa’s lap. She said that song would play in the background while kids were paraded in to tell Santa what they wanted for Christmas.

Clearly television has come a long way. Either that or she did not have enough activities with which to occupy her free time.

So amid this revelation that there is a multitude of Christmas music from which to choose, I realized that there are some songs I love but cannot stand the singer…and likewise:  there are some songs in which I love the singer but cannot tolerate hearing a particular song they sing.

That being said, today’s Listicles by Stasha was Ten Holiday Songs. I considered ten Hanukah Songs, but wasn’t truly well-versed enough in them to make a well-informed decision. Granted, I have been listening to a schtickle (and I’m fairly certain I mis-spelled that) of Hanukah music on satellite, helping get us into the spirit of the Hanukah lessons the PBA dove into this December, but I am not at all educated enough in the music to make that kind of assessment.

I am, however, somewhat educated in Christmas music, so that’s what I went with. And not being someone who could simply do one list of ten, I have selected to do two… one list of 10 Christmas songs I hate and one list of 10 Christmas songs I love.

We’ll start off with the hate and end with the love.  And just to be clear…I do not LOVE to HATE them…I simply HATE them. I do not necessarily hate the artist…so PLEASE do not contact me and plead you case for how amazing the artist is. Some of them on here I would consider to be questionable as an artist, but I’m not telling you which ones I feel that way about. You’re a fairly bright…I mean TERRIBLY bright… audience so I would venture to guess you can all make the proper assessment for yourself. My list is simply about the songs themselves. 

These, BTW, are in no particular order…

Ten Christmas Songs I Hate

Marshmallow World by Brenda Lee
Grandma Got Run Over By a Reindeer by Elmo and Patsy 
Mama Liked the Roses by Elvis 
Dominick the Italian Christmas Donkey by Lou Monte 
The Christmas Shoes by Newsong 
The Cat Carol by someone who I shall not name…I actually don’t know the name of the person, but if I wrote a train wreck like that, I don’t think I would confess it to anyone… 
River by Joni Mitchell 
Do They Know It’s Christmas by Band Aid 
Wonderful Christmas Time by Paul McCartney 
Pretty Paper by Roy Orbison

Ten (ok Eleven…Math’s Not Really My Thing) Christmas Songs I LOVE

Santa Baby by Earth Kitt 
Favorite Things by Julie Andrews (I mean seriously…who DOESN’T love “The Sound of Music” and this song?!? Probably lots of people but I cannot fathom it. 
Little Drummer Boy by Johnny Mathis
O Come, Emmanuel by The Piano Guys 
Charlie Brown Christmas soundtrack…all of it (Yes I know I said songs but it's my list...go with it. Here’s just one selection from the Vince Guaraldi CD.)
You’re a Mean One, Mr. Grinch by Thurl Ravenscroft
 Baby, It’s Cold Outside by Ella Fitzgerald 
The Chipmunk Song by… well, it seems obvious to tell you, but it’s by The Chipmunks
The Most Wonderful Time of the Year by Andy Williams  
Twelve Days of Christmas by Straight No Chaser
It’s Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas by Bing Crosby

Merry Christmas!


  1. That song with Elmo is just terrible! But for me, your songs to love are spot on! I love Christmas music done well! You should check out Michael Buble's Christmas album. It is wonderful.

  2. Ugh! I hate Grandma Got Run Over by a Reindeer!!! That is one of the songs, ever, Christmas or otherwise.

    1. Absolutely agree...nothing could ever shake that song from my list of Christmas songs I hate!

  3. You're the first one I've seen who put one of my favorites, Little Drummer Boy. Christmas shoes makes me cry every single time, so I don't like it. I don't want tears bringing down my Christmas dance groove.

    1. I would hate for ANYTHING to bring down your Christmas dance groove. ;)

  4. How could I have missed "The Grinch"...after all I hear it year round at our house!?! Looks like I hit some in both of your lists. :)

    1. We had a round of the Grinch movie that began one summer (oh yeah...I said SUMMER) and it was watched almost every day until the FOLLOWING December...not the immediately-following December. The one after that. I could quote it in my sleep. And yet...I still love that song.

  5. "I actually don’t know the name of the person, but if I wrote a train wreck like that, I don’t think I would confess it to anyone" - Haha! So true. I don't like Grandma got run over by a reindeer either. Who thinks up lyrics like that for the holidays??

    1. There are some interesting people in this world, I have to say...I try to remember that God made us all different for a reason...but some of us are "more different" than others. LOL...

  6. Did you know that during my 3rd grade school program I was a snowflake and danced to the song Marshmallow World, and that during that performance my paper snowflake skirt got caught on a cardboard pine tree, ripped, and fell off in front of the whole student body who could then see my blue flowered underwear through my white tights?
    Despite this, Marshmallow World still does not make the top ten Christmas songs I hate.

    1. I did not remember that story until you just now reminded me...that's classic. And wow, I don't know HOW that wouldn't be on your list of songs to hate. You're a better person than I!

  7. Hey -- thanks to everyone who muddled through my post despite the fact that all the song titles were smashed together! The preview did NOT look like that this morning! is awesome isn't it? Hope it's fixed now...looks like it to me, but that doesn't mean anything!

  8. Did you read The New Yorker article by Zadie Smith about Joni Mitchell?? You would really appreciate it. Love that we get two lists! Thanks. Erin

  9. Ha! #1 on your list, even though it is sang by Dino in our house, is truly cringe worthy. Merry Christmas.
