Saturday, December 28, 2013

TToT Year End Wrap Up

Well, apparently my brain is still on a little bit of a writing hiatus. It’s not that I want it to be; it’s just that it’s busy ruminating on other stuff.

Or if I think of something about which to write but don’t get it written down, I forget what was so important that I wanted to share with you.

I am certain all of you, my loyal fans, have noticed my absence.

And my absence, I mean my not feeling obligated to put pen to paper every day. And also share it with the world.

This reminds me of a New Year’s Resolution, but we’re not there yet. No, no, it's not New Year’s yet, and no time for “resolutions” as of yet. 

And no, I don’t typically do resolutions, or if I do, I do not speak them aloud.


I didn’t do this Year in Review thing correctly at all.

In fact, I didn’t know that’s what we were doing until I went to link up with my rogue TToT Week 2 and discovered my error.

I’m astute if nothing else.

Don’t judge.

Actually, I never read the other blogs until AFTER I write mine otherwise I get swayed. And not that this isn’t a lovely group by which to be swayed, but I am trying to tap into my own creativity and not yours.

Plus I think it could look like you copied me if someone would read me first, and I don’t want that at all.

I'm sure you understand.

So…all this rambling to say, I just have a bunch of things I am thankful for today. Maybe not enough to do two days, but more than 12 so I’m calling it done.

And I’m going with the Miss Bloggypants style of NOT numbering my items. You’ll just have to trust me. If we can’t trust each other, then what are we basing this relationship on?

OK, so here is my Year End Wrap-Up of Thankfulness. This week I was thankful for:

  • The time set aside to celebrate the birth of our Savior.
  • A packed house at Christmas Eve service…and this even at the 7pm one. I cannot recall the last time that happened.
  • Seeing this grandma on Christmas (she’s 95…she’ll be 96 in March, but don’t tell her I told her age to everyone!):
This is from her 94th Birthday...and yes, I cropped the rest of us out. Sorry everybody!

  • And this grandma (she’s 90…you may remember her birthday party from February, if she looks familiar):
Photo from her 90th Birthday Party

  • Mr. Always Random coming to the gym with us and playing 4v4 with the PBA and some other guys and kiddos.
  • Indy…what else is there to say about this awesome picture?!?

  • Lots of coffee and candy in my stocking (including extra-special fabulous coffee from the creator/owner/coffee seeker of Dangerous Grounds)
  • When the PBA each received gifts which were well-below their age-appropriateness, and we discussed what should be done, they didn’t hesitate to offer that we just keep them for the Foster Kiddos (which we’ll still waiting on the Foster Kids to be placed…but you probably already guessed that, since I had  mentioned nary a word about it…)
  • Naps...not long naps, persay, but naps just the same.
  • And time to read…I’m still not finished with “The Book Thief” but I am enjoying it. See item above for details on why I don’t have time to finish the book.
  • A day-trip to Mammoth Cave for the four of us (more details on that to follow…possibly…or maybe I’ll just post all the photos here…I haven’t yet decided. The decision will be clear when you’re reading the post.)
  • A day in late December, in Indiana, in which the kiddos could play outside in t-shirts (albeit they were a little chilly but attempting to be tough. I didn’t even tell them to put on jackets, because frankly I didn’t blame them.)
  • Taking Indy for a walk on a day in late December, in Indiana, and I only had to wear a sweatshirt and sweatpants…and shoes and socks, of course…BUT no hat, gloves, scarf or coat. Yipee-skippy!
  • These guys:

  • The Foster Children who will enter our home, wherever they may currently be; once it actually happens, I know that the whole experience will not be easy nor will it be anything we could possibly imagine, but it has been a blessing to pray for these kiddos we’ve never even met, and I am thankful for it.

Hop on over to visit Lizzi and see how the Wrap Up was supposed to have been done! 

Have a Happy New Year!


  1. nicely done! nicely done! What more to say about that photo of Indy indeed! What a great list... and I must say one of your more exceptional openings!

    1. Thank you, Zoe...I typically put in effort on my writings, but for some reason my TToT intros all started sounding I pretty much abandoned them.

      And it was so lovely to see you on Sunday...sorry I couldn't really participate in the chat but it was so nice to hear people and see them "live". :)

    2. I just wish you didn't catch my foray into sign language. Quite the introduction sorry! Happy new year!

  2. A great list - numbered or not, and however many it is. Those are a great many things to be thankful for. I LOVE the Indy picture - however did you get puppy to sit still long enough??

    1. Well, Mr. Always Random was holding him...and kept him from hitting the nose. The first attempt at the "costume" Indy got the nose into his mouth and began chewing on it. Would have been a fantastic photo but I wasn't ready with my camera...

      Also we didn't have the nose "on" lights up but we missed the chance. After a second take, Indy.was.done. :)

  3. I'm impressed that you could get Indy to wear a Rudolph nose! So cute!

    1. I was telling Lisa above, it was a group effort :)

  4. totally get the 'not read the posts before writing' I do that most of the time… unless I'm totally stumped, and then I'll read and hope to be influenced (given my admittedly….odd style I don't have a lot of fear that people reading your post (or anyone else's for that matter) will think, 'what the hell!' she stole that from the Wakefield Doctrine post!! just look at how coherent and direct the writing is!')

  5. Such wonderful things to be thankful for... elders... good weather... giving children... family time shared... and a wonderful new adventure just ahead with the coming of foster children. This post is just full of reasons to smile, happy end of year to you!

  6. You need to finish The Book Thief so that I can hear what you think!

    1. No one wants me to finish it more than I do...have you started it or are you waiting for me to finish? Don't wait for may be another month! It's not for lack of wanting...just a lack of time! I'm CERTAIN you'll love it. And I suspect that we'll both be a wreck at the end.

  7. You are so fortunate to still have your grandmother's with you! Such a blessing! I hope I'm still around into my 90s (although by that stage I'll probably have to change the blog name, right?)

    Your little reindeer dog is adorable - and apparently cooperative :)

    A wonderful list - and it sounds like a wonderful past few days with much to be thankful for.

    Best - Louise

    1. Thanks, was a lovely week, for sure. And yes, I am super-blessed to have both grandmas.

      Happy New Year!

  8. It is wonderful to read that you have such an open heart to take in foster children. My grandmothers are gone too. I miss them. Thanks for sharing today.

    Mary-andering Creatively

    Mary-andering Among the Pages

    1. Thanks for the encouragement...check in once the kiddos arrive. I hope my heart feels as open...I know it will be crazy-hard but I think we're up for it! :)

  9. I didn't know the rules either. My list is all of my firsts from the year. Had to add two more after I posted because of course that is when I finally paid attention to the instructions.

    That said, I love your list. Foster is such a great opportunity to change a child's direction. I am thankful for people like you who are able to open their homes for it. AND Grandma's are so fun.

    1. Such a good little rule-follower you are! You just need to not number them and no one will be the wiser!

  10. I want to read the Book Thief--so glad you are enjoying it so far. I'll take that as a recommendation. I'm a bit jealous that you have two grandma's still living (and looking awesome I might add!) And P.S. I never read anyone else's blog until mine is written--for the same reasons. I don't want to somehow (in the back of my mind) feel like I'm copying. Hip Hip Hooray for 2013. Looking forward to 2014.

    1. Yes, please take it as a recommendation! It is so good...I'm about half way through.

      Yes, I am blessed to have both grandmas, for sure!

      Happy New Year!

  11. You went to mammoth cave? What did you think? I went once growing up and once a few years ago. It's changed quite a bit. Going in a cave is always fun, though.
    I can't believe Indy put up with you all. The photo is awesome. Maybe thatt's why he let you do it. He knew how good he'd look. :)
    Happy new year, my friend! Looking forward to sharing it all with you!

    1. I think we covered Mammoth Cave :)

      Yes, poor Indy. He's actually lucky that he's still here...he ate about 10 ounces of chocolate the week before Christmas...story later.

      Happy happy new year! Me too! And we need to choose our book!

  12. Lovely lovely list of Thankfuls! ...and I love it that you're following Miss Bloggypant's lead in not numbering... ;)

    time to read.... what IS that? hmmm...

    Oh and I SO MUCH LOVE the pics of your grandmas. They both just look so darn cute and sweet! I miss mine all the time...

    1. Yes, Miss Bloggypants is a trend setter and I aspire to be like her when I grow up!

      I don't know...which is why it is taking me forever to finish it.

      Thanks...and sorry...

  13. I didn't number either. I wonder if Lizzi even noticed! Hehe! Indy! I love the look! What a patient sweetie... Happy new year! I hope 2014 is amazing to you!!!

    1. I bet Lizzi counted ;)

      Yes, Indy...what a dog. And I don't mean that in the "Charlotte's Web" sort of way.

      Happy New Year to you too!

  14. OK thanks...from now on, I may not count either! :)
