Friday, September 6, 2013

Friday Funny: Quinoa

So maybe I HAVE become one of "those" kinds of bloggers who only post videos. 

Sue me.

OK, please don't...I really can't afford it. And it would thereby be a colossal waste of time for you.

But I laughed out loud (not just an LOL)...but truly laughed out loud when I saw this while watching football last night.

OK, the PBA and Mr. Always Random were watching the game; I usually just watch the commercials. It's how I prep for the Super Bowl. Don't judge.

But this one in particular spoke to me...for those of you know know my affinity for quinoa (pronounced "keen-wah"... which you have to know to understand part of why this video is funny).  And also because Mr. Always Random has had some superstitions about his sports teams in the past.

Feel free to judge that; I often mock him for it so you'd be in good company. Maybe not good company...but you'd have company.

So, without ado...

(Yes, you have to click on the link because even though I have become more tech-savvy over the past year, I am not savvy enough to know how to embed this non-youtube video into my judging on that either.)

Bud Light and Quinoa (yes, there is an ad at the beginning...sorry about was the best I could do!)
Happy Friday!


  1. I love it...
    "What is it?"
    "'s a kwee-noh.."

    Yes, saying it like that makes it cooler!

  2. p.s. and I won't sue.... I post videos all the time for my Fun Fridays, it's my way of not having to think too hard to write up a post. I'm lazy that way. (Plus, I schedule them ahead of time, so they are done and I don't have to remember to do it)
    So, if they sue you, they can sue me. But, also, please don't because I can't afford it either.

  3. p.s. and I won't sue.... I post videos all the time for my Fun Fridays, it's my way of not having to think too hard to write up a post. I'm lazy that way. (Plus, I schedule them ahead of time, so they are done and I don't have to remember to do it)
    So, if they sue you, they can sue me. But, also, please don't because I can't afford it either.

  4. p.s. and I won't sue.... I post videos all the time for my Fun Fridays, it's my way of not having to think too hard to write up a post. I'm lazy that way. (Plus, I schedule them ahead of time, so they are done and I don't have to remember to do it)
    So, if they sue you, they can sue me. But, also, please don't because I can't afford it either.

  5. p.p.s. I guess Blogger decided that comment needed to be in triplicate. *smh*
