Tuesday, October 30, 2012

I "C" You

It’s letter “C” week at the preschool. It’s one of the easier ones for crafts and activities beginning with said letter. I know what you are probably thinking: “C is For Cookie, that’s good enough for me…cookie, cookie, cookie starts with C”…am I right? If not, please watch this now. I’m embarrassed for you if that song was not your first thought when I started talking about “C”…unless, of course, you are not from the Sesame Street generation. Then you are excused.

From being embarrassed, that is; you should still watch the video. I want this song to be an earwig in the head of each member of my readership…see, the words I use to describe you are getting to be grandiose. I hope you are sharing me with anyone who might remotely find me amusing. And if you can’t think of anyone, you might consider some new friends…
Here is a smattering of words to get you started, just in case you are stumped:


Cotton Candy


Chocolate Chip Ice Cream
Chocolate Peanut Butter Ice Cream

Chocolate anything…are we seeing a theme here…





Crap (yeah, we don’t use that one at the preschool; pity...it is a good “C” word.)

I could go on, but don’t worry…I promise to not continue to update this post as words occur to me. At least, not too many times.
Actually, I can't promise that, but I will do my best.

I have to say, I appreciate a theme…possibly more than most people. When I was a teacher, I loved trying to fit as many words or activities into a week with the assigned letter.
But today, even I was out-done.
One child had chocolate-flavored water (aka Yoo-Hoo), candy, cookies, and chocolate-glazed donuts as his lunch (notice I said AS the lunch...not IN the lunch) and totally rocked the letter “C”.
The gauntlet has been thrown down. I'm off to CUT up my COFFEE CAKE for tomorrow...

1 comment:

  1. I rock the letter themes in preschool! Love them. I even wore corduroy to school the day we introduced C. And I love chocolate. Love it. But even I would get sick at the thought of that lunch.
