Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Happy Happy Birthday, Mr. Always Random the Youngest you may have surmised from my super-elusive title, today is Mr. Always Random the Youngest's birthday.

Today he is 11. I can hardly stand it.

Last year on his birthday, I wrote about his birth. (You can check it out here if you somehow missed it).

And then the day after his birthday, I had to post a retraction (You can check that out here if you missed it as well).

This year, I am simply sticking with a photo:

I think he breathed too hard and blew out that one candle prematurely...

Happy birthday, Buddy! We love you!


  1. Happy birthday to Mr. Random the Youngest!

  2. Yeah!!!!! Happy Birthday the youngest Mr AR!!!

  3. happy birthday to your little man!!!!

  4. Happy Birthday to the man-child!
