Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Wordless Wednesday: Which Do You Like Better?

I'm sorry but how can you not absolutely love an eye doctor who has this video in the sidebar of his website.

And in case you were wondering, my eye doctor has this video in the sidebar of his website.

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  1. Oh my gosh! We !LOVE! Brian Regan at our house...and quote him frequently. LOVE this one!

  2. It hasn't been 6 years since I've been to the eye doctor, but I do need to make an appointment. Maybe I'll have to suggest this video on my doctor's web page side bar! So, so funny!

  3. Brian Regan is one of my top 5 all-time favorite stand-up comedians. Your eye doctor rocks.

    1. Yes he does...I would love to see him live someday, although that would necessitate me being out late so it's probably not going to happen :)
