Saturday, November 16, 2013

Ten Things of Thankful: Week 24 Birthday Edition

1. So even though I didn’t know it was on my list to accomplish by the time I turned 40, but I am thankful that I got to be a “published writer”…and not just self-published on my blog.  Not knocking the self-publishing. I’m just saying I am thankful that someone else saw value enough in my writing to actually pay me for it. (Sorry for my tooting my won horn…I’m still pretty excited. But I promise this is it for talking about it!)

2. And I’m thankful for all the kind words of encouragement. Makes me want to write even more…

3. And I am UBER thankful for my friend PA who encouraged me to begin my blog just a little over a year ago…without her push, I might not be doing any writing, and would not have met all you lovely people!

I’m not sure but I think that’s three…not birthday-related exactly but it is the randomness you’ve come to know and love with this blog, right?

4. I am thankful for a husband who listens to what I like and sometimes buys accordingly (true, not every time, but this time he did well!) Unfortunately the fabulous boots must go back because they don't fit quite right, but he gave it the ole’ college-try and filled up my love tank; lest you be confused, please see this brief overview of The Five Love Languages to explain why that is not a euphemism for something else… (and he tells me that he got “a great deal” on them so be BETTER not have spent that much because I will blow a gasket…so the price on that website should not be close to his actual purchase price…stay tuned for details.)

5. I am thankful for boys who listen to me, too, and bought me a new 5-quart Crockpot. And it’s red to go with my kitchen…the 12yo was sure to point that out. “We could have gotten silver but I picked red so it would match your other stuff.”

6. I am thankful that my letter from my 21yo self to my 40yo self wasn’t as wildly off-base as I thought it possibly could be.

7. And that I was apparently sober when I wrote it.

9. I am thankful for my homemade triple-chocolate birthday cheesecake, courtesy of the PBA (and my mom, though she only claims to have “followed behind them to clean up”.)

10. I am thankful that my friends and family listen to me when I say that I soon plan to start hiding chocolate in every drawer in the house so my transition into old-age will be seamless (in case you missed it in previous posts, please allow me to catch you up: my 95yo grandmother likes her sweets and just about every drawer you open in her house has candy of some sort stashed away)…so that being said, for my birthday, my friends have thus far outfitted me with a sufficient supply of candy. Chocolate, that is. What other kind is there?

Now pop on over to visit Lizzi and her entourage at the Ten Things of Thankful Blog-hop to see what they're thankful for this week! 


  1. HAPPY BIRTHDAY! What a great fam! I wish I thought of that chocolate thing when I was 40...maybe I wouldn't be so cranky now! You go ahead and toot that publishing horn all you want! It is no easy feat getting there! I am glad you reported back on your 21 yo letter I remember reading that previously... Funny story about candy in drawers (actually very sweet but that sounded corny)... For as long as I can remember each of the kids in my family (7) would buy my dad a maple sugar man candy (its a hunk of sugar basically in the shape of a little farmer guy) because he loved maple sugar so much. When he died and I was cleaning out his top drawer I opened it up and it was full of maple men (some were so hard they were petrified). I asked my mother about it and she said that he didn't have the heart to hurt us and tell us he hated them!

    1. Oh that's a sweet story :) I know my family won't find much chocolate when I die, but they may find any other candy they give me which is not. Fingers crossed that they will know me well enough to know that if it's not chocolate, then it's probably a waste of money. Unless it's an Abbott's Caramel! :)

  2. Happy b'day! Am about to hit that glad yours had wonderful memories. Congrats on being a great writer, an accolade very well deserved indeed!

  3. Happy Birthday!! And I love that you wrote yourself a otter when you were younger. Wish I would have done that and s would have been fun to see what I thought then and how it turned out!!

    1. Thanks! Yes, it was interesting to see what I thought about my future as a very young adult! :)

  4. Ohhh maybe I should start hiding chocolates now! I wish I'd done the letter thing when I was younger- must have been fun to read.

    1. You can still do it...I would encourage you to! Specify to open it in 10 years...just to see what you say. Come on, Kate...all the cool kids are doing it! ;)

  5. Happy birthday and hooray for red crockpots that match the rest of the kitchen stuff. I totally get that.

  6. First of all, Happy birthday!

    How wonderful that all the people in your life listen to you.

    1. Well, I wouldn't say ALL of them. ;)

      Thanks for stopping by!

  7. Triple chocolate birthday cheesecake? Do you have any left? How far away from me do you live? :-)) Happy, happy birthday week to you! How wonderful it is indeed when you are gifted with things chosen with care and attention to what you might like! I'm afraid that candy stashed in all the cupboards and drawers here could never happen... especially if chocolate was involved, because I would be up at 2 AM ferreting it out for a wee snack! I think it's just incredibly awesome that you wrote and kept a letter to yourself for that long, eagerly waiting for a few more details. I wonder what I would have said back then and what "she" would think of who I am now, hmmm. Great TToT! :-)

    1. Yes, and it was tasty...just a couple pieces left. How soon can you get here? LOL

      Thank you for the happy wishes! And I kid about hiding the chocolate b/c I have ZERO self-control!

      Yes, I wonder what she would think of me too...

  8. I now have the greatest excuse for hiding chocolate all over the house, and I have you to thank it for!
    I hope you've had a terrific time with your family - and enjoy the chocolate (A triple chocolate cheesecake? Heaven!) :)

    1. I'm always here to help find an excuse to hide chocolate! ;)

  9. Wishing you a wonderful birthday, and at least 40 more years being healthy and having lots of fun! I'm really excited as well about hubby buying me something I really wanted as a holiday present. I know what it is, but not yet how it looks ;-)

    Enjoy your weekend and birthday celebrations. Happy Birthday!!

  10. Did you pretend to be shocked when you opened the crockpot? It's so sweet when kids pay attention to the details when purchasing a gift for their mom.
    I will never be able to bring Cuckoo to your house. He can sniff out chocolate better than anyone.

    1. Yes, I feigned surprise, as any good mother would. And yes, they are sweet and I am thankful for that...they will make wonderful husbands some day (fingers-crossed!)

      Just give me a heads-up and I'll collect it before you arrive...

  11. My father gives my mother wonderful gifts, but she says it has taken years of training. I love the idea of my husband being able to think up perfect gifts on his own, but right now I just send him links. Foot massager, for instance. :)

    1. Yes, I usually send links too...if I haven't gone out and bought it already. Sometimes I buy it and give it to him and say, "Here, wrap this up for me. And BTW thanks...I love it!"

  12. Food cooked in a red crockpot will taste infinitely better.
    I think I want to start hiding candy in drawers, too, just in case I have a candy emergency. Because you never know....
    Love that your boys made you a chocolate cheesecake!
    The boots are totes cute! Hope you find a replacement pair that fits better. Husband does get an A for effort.

    1. Yes, it will for sure.

      Yes, candy emergencies are THE worst. And must be avoided at all costs.

      They are sweet boys...I am blessed.

      And yes, he gets total credit...I hated that they didn't fit right...

  13. I cannot imagine that statement is true.

    It wasn't me who said Butterfingers...though they are tasty.

    Thank you, sweet friend :)

  14. I am UBER thankful for your friend who encouraged you to start a blog too!!!!!

    I got the "love tank" reference before you wrote the explanation. :)

    TRIPLE!!?? chocolate cheesecake!? wow! That's a heckuva lot o' chocolate! I bet it was very yummy! I also bet your boys were so proud of themselves!

    Sounds like you had a fine & fabulous 40th birthday !! :)

  15. Happy, happy birthday! I just read triple chocolate cheesecake about four times and now want one....very much. I think you should toot your own horn a little more about being published because I know I would (at least I say I would)! It is a fabulous thing! Would you mind much if I stole the hiding chocolate in drawers? Perfection!

  16. Happy Belated Birthday!!! No wonder I can't keep up...I'm over a decade older than everyone. :O I feel better now.

  17. Happy Birthday! Your family and friends did well! I love chocolate too. My mouth dropped when I read triple-chocolate cheesecake! :)
