Saturday, October 26, 2013

Ten Things of Thankful: Week 21

No messing around with intros anymore...I don't have time to be writing them and you (if you're reading all the other blogs in the hop) don't have time to be reading them.

So there you go...

1. I am thankful for Fall Break, and yet…

2. I am thankful to be back in a routine.

3. I am thankful that we had a field trip (more on that later) with our homeschool co-op (NOT to be confused with our coop, which we do not have, due to the staunch rules & regulations of our HOA…but I digress) on the first day back in school…it was a nice way to ease us back into school.

4. I am thankful that we only had two days of school this week. I love it but a two-day week is also a lovely way to slide back into reality.

5. I am thankful for an interview for another story with the same local publication (even with all the trouble, they must have decided I was worth it...either that or they are hard-pressed for writers. I am choosing to believe it is Option #1). I have high hopes that this one will go more smoothly than the last one. I wasn’t grilled about my qualifications to write the story. AND the interviewee gave me a hug when I left. AND I might have a part-time job helping her with some interior decorating (Did you, my devout readership, know I did this in a past life? It's one of my many marketable attributes, to be sure...)

6. I am thankful that enough of our soccer team parents stepped up and filled the volunteer spots…to the point that Mr. Always Random and I did not have to volunteer for the soccer tournament this week-end. We shouldn’t have to, since I am volunteering as manager, but still…managers have been known to work tournaments too.

7. I LOVE LOVE LOVE to watch my son play soccer. I do. I wouldn’t lie about such things. But I am thankful that the season is over (or will be after Sunday afternoon). Not because I don’t love watching the games…but I am ready for a break from my manager role. Even if it’s only for a tiny little bit of time; winter training begins in January.

8. I am thankful that I will have some wedding flower set-up work to do on Saturday (I guess that would be today, since I am clearly writing this ahead of time…) which will mean money in my pocket and time with my sweet friend SV.

9. And I am also thankful that this afore-mentioned wedding flower work will keep me from having to stand outside to watch soccer in the BITTER cold on Saturday morning at 8:20 (which, mind you, means we have to leave the house by 7:20 to drive to the fields, and then give him the 45 minute warm-up time that the coach prefers)…so clearly I am thankful that I get to/have to miss that on this go-around.

10. I am thankful that we only have four more weeks until Thanksgiving. And we take a week at Thanksgiving too. Not because we need to do a bunch of cooking for the holiday or prepare for guests to visit. I just want another week off. I mean…it’s for the children; they need the break and I am just the person to give it to them. I'm a giver...what can I say?

So what are you thankful for? Need some inspiration? Hop on over to Lizzi at Considerings to see what others are thankful to too.


  1. I always thought of myself as a giver until today when I realized how much I hate Thanksgiving. I don't even like saying that because it's such a cliche. But it's the truth.on a more positive note that's so cool about interior decorating. And I love doing the flower thing I love it even better if its a paid gig. Have a great weekend and don't you stop being a giver.

    1. OH, I doubt you hate it...that's kind of strong isn't it? I don't hate the holiday but I do hate the expectations of it.

      Thanks for the good wishes...and the encouragement. :) Have a fabulous day!

  2. Love your list, Mrs. ;-) Those opportunities in writing and interior decorating sound awesome, congrats on them! Please share pictures on the decorating, since I'll have to decorate a whole house soon (panic, anyone??)

    I'm glad you enjoyed your break. Next week is only going to be a 3-day work week for me, so I'm looking forward to that as well. yay for overtime ;-)

    Have a wonderful weekend and enjoy your break from soccer!

    1. Well, I doubt you'll need any help...Pinterest has all anyone needs these days! :)

      Enjoy your three-day week...I love short weeks!

      Thanks! Have a fabulous day!

  3. I'm jealous you have a fall break- I have to wait until the end of November! Happy weekend!

    1. I know, we are spoiled ...but we did start school at the end of July...does that make it any better? :)

  4. Wedding flower work! That's awesome! And a lot to be thankful for too. Thanks for sharing!

  5. What a great list!

    I totally get why you are glad to miss out on the soccer game. Hope the wedding today was lovely!

    1. Thanks for stopping by.

      I really did hate to miss the games...but the chance to make a little money and to know that Mr. Always Random and my parents were all there did make me feel a little less guilty.

      Thanks for stopping by!

  6. Well, it's no BOOK, but it's what I'm clinging to for now. LOL

    Yes, we will...already looking forward to Thanksgiving. :)

    I hated to miss the games...they won one and lost one...looking forward to tomorrow afternoon's game. :)

  7. sounds like a pretty darn good week! 'cept for that non-Summer temperature thing. Thanksgiving does start the Big Three Holiday Season off… not a major fan of the day personally, but there is so much to write blog Posts about at this time of the year.

  8. You know, I think I love AND hate Thanksgiving. It is the only holiday my Hub and I have to split between relatives and the comment above is spot on - it's the EXPECTATION that is the most hateful thing. I love the time of year, though, that's for sure.

    And I'm still jealous of your fall break. However. I am not jealous that you started school at the end of July. I cried long and hard that we went back a week before Labor Day this year. I am such a crybaby. Starting any earlier in August would send me right over the edge. I'm sure of it.

    1. So when do you get out of school for the year, starting so late? We will be finished by mid-May.

  9. I can relate to #1 and #2. There is something so refreshing about a change in routine, and something so comfortable about routines.

  10. You know I love a fall break. When following a schedule, I am much less crazy person, I so love break for the break it gives us from a schedule. I guess, really, I want a break from the schedule other people have said I need to follow. (school, soccer, etc.)
    Can't wait to hear about the field trip.
    I missed out on Saturday's games, too, but will be there freezing my keester off at 8:00 on Sunday. I'm shivering already. We have at least 5 games, so I'll be looking for you.

    1. Indoor sports, people! Indoor sports are the way to go!

    2. Winter soccer training will be that what you mean, Dyanne? ;)

  11. You have many marketable skills! Interior decorating. Writing. Flower (what do you do with the flowers? Designs?). And management skills, because managing a soccer team that plays as much as yours done would be no easy feat.

    I love Thanksgiving! I love the food and the family and that there aren't any presents to buy.

    1. Thank you for the kind words...I often feel I have not much to offer. But I will confess that this hop helps me see them a little bit. :)


    2. Okay, proofreading is everything. As much as yours DOES. I may be a hillbilly, but I am edjookated.

    3. The fact that I did not seem to notice the error may mean that I am not edjookated. ;)

    4. I didn't notice either... but what do I know, I'm from the "sticks"..

  12. #5 -- Woot-woot! Congrats!!

    ..and what a lovely lady of talents you are!! Flower arranging, interior decorating, writer extraordinaire, cook, baker, teacher at Parker Brothers Academy... phew! You do it all, lady! ;) I'm impressed!
