Monday, August 12, 2013

Ten Things of Thankful: Soccer Edition FOLLOW-UP

I just saw this for the first time last night...after I uploaded my last post.

So of course I had to share. Enjoy!

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  1. Ha! We have seen a few of these commercials on TV. LOVE them!

  2. Oh, and, finally! A lovely photo of you taken after you became an adult! And thank you for changing your commenting format. Still have captcha, but at least you got rid of the pop-up commenting. Thanks! :)

    1. Thanks for noticing...I was feeling confident and though the photo was acceptable.

      Formatting: I used to be in this format and somehow I messed it up. I still don't exactly know what I did to fix it, but I am glad it was fixed...I hated not being able to reply directly. :)

  3. Zed. Oh. Em. Gee. That's hilarious!

    Bwahahahahahaha the nickname!!!! Was only disappointed not to see the Saints card held up now they're in the PL.

    (love seeing an ACTUAL pic of you now :) )
