Monday, October 22, 2012

Turbulence on the Re-Entry

I love going on vacation but I am always ready to come home. By the last day or so, my thoughts turn toward life at home, what I may be missing, and what I need to do once my feet hit home field. And then, by the time I arrive home, I am already completely engaged in what I need to do and typically never miss a beat.

I should say that was always until this time. Not only did I not want to come home, I did not want to leave HHI. I did not begin letting my thoughts turn toward home and what I may be missing. And by the time I arrived home, I was not at all engaged in what needed to be done. And therefore, I have missed not one, but several beats.
This has caused some slight turbulence on the re-entry into “real life”. Yes, shocking though this is, vacation is not real life. It meant getting up when I wanted to. Which meant up before 7 every morning, except the first morning when I slept until about 7:20. And was the last one in the condo to get up. I think my husband was close to sticking a mirror under my nose to make sure I was still breathing…because I NEVER sleep in. And yes, 7:20 was sleeping in. I’m not a sleeper-inner.

By the same token, staying up past 11 is L.A.T.E. for me. I turn into a pumpkin…ask my Hope Group.
So today the 5am alarm was early. And I ended up snoozing until 6. Oops. No time for that 2-hour Quiet Time this morning. Ok, there never is time for that, much as I would like there to be.

And I ate junk on vacation. Maybe one fruit and one vegetable per day. Maybe. But that was a higher average than my husband and the PBA. Oh yes. J.U.N.K.  How can you want to leave that? I mean, we always junk-food it up on vacation, but for some reason this time it was so much more appealing. And I have yet to really stop. Steak N Shake for dinner last night. As you’ll read below, yesterday was too taxing for me to ever consider cooking.
Which leads me to my next point. Yes, I did some bike riding on vacation, and some walking but nothing which really caused me to break a sweat. I haven’t worked out in a week and a half. And I NEED to work out. In case you are confused about why, see the paragraph above. Maybe tomorrow I will start. Both the healthy eating and the working out. And if I don’t, I doubt I will tell you anyway. Don’t judge. And don’t ask me about it either.

OK, nothing sounds too bad thus far, right? Well, I’m not finished yet. There is other random turbulence.
My 11yo had a soccer game yesterday in a town we passed the day before on our way home. This was not a big deal but frankly getting in the car again after the 13 hour drive the previous day was not exactly what I wanted to do. My friend KN nominated me for “Mother of the Year.” And I accepted the nomination. It was worth the time and effort, as my son had his best game of the season so far. But I will confess that I had my mental jammies on while I was there. And changing into my actual jammies was the first thing I did when I got home from the game.

Because of all the effort it took for me to sit through church in the morning, sit in a car to and from the game, and also stand there and WATCH the game, I was understandably exhausted last night. So nothing got done around our house. A big thank you to my husband for folding all the laundry I did manage to wash the night before. And for picking up the previously-mentioned fast-food dinner. Hey, I already had my nomination for "Mother of the Year", so I kind of let the evening meal slide.
Though I didn’t accomplish much, I did have the forethought to check the calendar for Monday, seeing that in addition to our regular homeschool day, we had our co-op, our music lessons…and an orthodontist appoint which I had forgotten about. Glad I checked the calendar.

One would think that this oversight would cause me to check the calendar for the rest of the week, right? Nope. So let me just take a moment to say for all the Internet to read, I L.O.V.E. that my dentist does reminder phone calls the day before your appointment. Because I have a dentist appointment tomorrow afternoon which was totally not on my radar. Whoops!
Please note: as soon as I got off the phone with my dentist’s office, I did go and check the calendar for the week. No other surprises. At least no other ones that I noted on my calendar. Surprises, however, rarely tend to schedule themselves. Deep thoughts here, aren’t they?

This morning, as I perused my To-Do List, I knew it was time to settle up the checkbook and pay some bills. Always a good idea when you’re clearly brain dead, right? Well, I thought that couldn’t stop me and I forged ahead. Math not really being my strong suit anyway, I had a slight coronary when I couldn’t figure out why the bills so greatly exceeded the amount in the account. Mind you, I’m still old school and I do it all on my paper register. And yes, I have the bank send me a paper copy of the transactions each month. If I didn’t, I would never remember to check it. And trust me, my family wants me to check it. Often.
So, back to the coronary. No worries. All is well. I think I only lost a couple years of my life in the process. Fortunately the PBA were doing their math work while I was doing the checkbook so I was able to stop the focus on my issues and help them. When I came back to the checkbook, the muddled thoughts had cleared: my husband and I each had another paycheck deposit in there which I forgot to record. OK, that makes MUCH more sense. No worries…even with the calculator, I checked my math twice. And got the same answer both times, thank you very much. Calculators are my friends. And they might be my only ones after confessing such stupidity to you, my reading public.

One more bump in this re-entry is our dumb dog, you may recall, has us well trained. And frankly I’m surprised that my neighbor continued to care for him the entire time we were gone. Had it been me taking care of someone else’s dog, I may have thrown my hands up in the air and said, “Good luck, dog!” But she’s clearly nicer than I. I’m hoping that my pay-off will convince her to take care of him again in the future, and yet I would not blame her if she said no.
So in addition to my more than slight embarrassment over his behavior, my dog is not acting in a way which makes himself endearing to us. He’s decided that he’s supposed to go to the bathroom right by the backdoor. He did this twice on the evening we got home (before we even went to sleep). And the past two nights, he’s done this at night, while we are asleep. And does not let anyone know that he needs to go out. So we find the little (or sometimes big) surprise when we get up in the morning. I’m sure that he was mad that we left him, but really? Does pooping on the kitchen floor really make me want to take you anywhere? To answer you, Indy, it does…back to the shelter from whence you came. OK, just so you know, I probably wouldn’t do that, because my 11yo would never speak to me again, but something’s got to change. And by change I don’t mean that we start taking him on trips. Any thoughts or suggestions you might have, please share with me and the fan-ship. All 20-some of you.

The last couple of balls which had been dropped are as follows:
  • The lawn DESPERATELY needs to be mowed, and the straw mats which were down for the re-seeding need to be removed, before removal rips out all the grass that has grown...but there's no time for that on the radar any time soon
  • We have friends who moved today and we didn’t help them. Not one bit. And I promised to help unpack. But I am happy to report, I mean I was so sad about the fact, that by the time I got there this afternoon, they had mostly unpacked. Awesome! But I did take them a pan of brownies. Chocolate covers over a multitude of failings. Yes, you can use that if you want, even though I doubt that I actually made it up, but it seems to fit in here nicely.
Other than all those bumps in the road, I’m SO glad to be back!

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