Wednesday, August 1, 2012

On the Path

The other day as I was walking Indy (yes, he's the oh-so-ugly-yet-very-sweet mutt pictured below), we began our jaunt on the neighborhood sidewalks. Now I won't lie and say he's EASY to walk on sidewalks, because he is a dog who likes to sniff. But he does stay on the path and does come to me when he's called.

The further we went on this particular day, the more construction we encountered and thusly, only sporadic sidewalks. So we resorted to walking down the street. That seemed to be the beginning of the end of my lovely walk.

From the moment we stepped into the street, that dog was into trash, and sniffing at every rock, bush and weed he could find. He was especially engrossed with the trash and the port-a-potties along the route. And when he didn’t have one particular thing to sniff, he would hold his head in the air, trying to get a whiff of any scent happening to pass by on the wind. He would wander from one side of the street to the other – back and forth – totally without focus or intent.

And when my frustration was at its peak, that still, small voice whispered in my ear, “You are no different than this dog.”


I am just like Indy. When I allow God to guide me and be on His path, the boundaries are clear and it is easy to stay within them.  Being in His word, receiving teachings, fellowshipping with other believers…makes the path narrow and clear. It is easier to stay within His will when it is marked for me.
But when I allow myself “free reign” – when I don’t make time to spend with God, when I am not reading His word, when I’m not talking to Him “without ceasing”, the path becomes wide and sometimes undefined; I am more likely to get myself into trouble. I “sniff” at things by which I am tempted, and things beyond the path become much more enticing.

“In all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.” Proverbs 3:6

1 comment:

  1. At least you don't have one eye looking off to the side all the time...
    SO glad you've started blogging!
